“Restorative Justice” and further access to justice for victims of terrorism
An expert meeting on ” Restorative Justice for Victim of Terrorism and Deceived Terrorist” was held on Monday (may 16) in the central office of the ADVT- TEHRAN with the glorious attendance of three prominent figures in the field of Social Science and Criminology alongside some members of the respected victims of terrorism as well as international law and relations experts. As the first meeting on the issue of the “Restorative Justice” for terrorism (victim and deceived terrorist),Prof. Dr. John Braithwaite well-known as posing “Re-integrative Shaming Theory” , Dr. Evelyn Zellerer, expert in Criminology and Dr. Heather Strang expert in Social Science and Criminology made an excellent speeches giving some recommendations on human right of victims of crimes.
In this reciprocal dialogue, further corporation in the notion of haltering terrorism in an approach of “Restorative Justice” was emphasized.