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Statement of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism on the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism


Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism –

Terrorism is a serious threat to global peace and security and has brought irreparable damages to human society. Damages that will never end for the victims, from the pain of parting with loved ones to the pain and suffering caused by gunshot wounds or fearing of seeing crime scenes.

Today, August 21, is the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism. The victims of this heinous crime and the human rights activists who try to realize the “slogan of a world without terror” declare that our world still needs a serious determination to fight terrorism, a determination that will not be disturbed by political and double standard policy towards terrorism. This will is based on the protection of valuable human ideals and not preventing justice and preventing terror victims from accessing the truth.

Today is a great opportunity to hear the message of the victims of terrorism, a message that informs all government officials, the United Nations and international personalities, that no one anywhere in the world is immune from terrorist crimes, and the advantages of the request of the victims of terrorism against this phenomenon include people all over the world.

In the past few days, the world witnessed the second brutal ISIS crime in the shrine of Shahcheragh (PBUH) in Shiraz in less than 10 months. Although this crime was condemned internationally, due to the support of the Western states to the terrorist groups, any terrorist attack may recur anywhere in the world and threaten the lives and health of other people.

On this International Day, we call on the heads of governments and UN officials to turn the slogan of a world free from terror into a human ideal, and beyond the condemnations, to prosecute the leaders of the terrorist groups who today follow their terrorist ideas in the context of asylum.

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