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employment contracts; Settlement of anti-Iranian terrorists in Western countries

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism - Meezan news agency in a report investigated the support of Western governments to the terrorist group of the hypocrites.


According to this report, in recent decades, European countries, America and Canada have become the hosts of terrorist groups, especially anti-Iranian ones, who receive terrorist services in exchange for hosting them.

In order to achieve their illegitimate goals in other independent countries, Western countries do not shy away from taking illegal actions and justifying them with baseless claims. One of the tools that Western human rights claimants have used in recent decades to achieve the aforementioned goals is to create, strengthen and support terrorist groups; The mentioned countries use all their capacities, from judicial to media, to move more easily in this direction.

During the last few decades, Europe and the United States have consciously and deliberately stepped in the direction of creating terrorist groups in different regions of the world or sheltering such groups on their soil; This is despite the fact that these countries claim to fight against terrorism and occasionally label freedom-loving movements and movements and even the legal armed forces of other countries as terrorists.

The presence of terrorist groups in European institutions, the accommodation of terrorists in European and American countries, the open support of Western politicians to terrorists and their attendance at events and meetings, the division of terrorism into 2 types, good and bad or black and white, based on the desired interests… The reality of the West’s view and use of terrorism is as a tool.

Apart from the direct deadly consequences of this view and approach of the West to terrorism for the victim countries, a vicious cycle of hatred and violence is created even in the countries that host the terrorists; In many cases, the boomerang of such actions returns to the western countries and imposes costs on them; Among the costs created for the mentioned countries, we can mention the growth rate of terrorist acts in these countries, which causes their innocent citizens to face deadly consequences.

While the countries affected by terrorism, especially Iran, are trying to fight this deadly, sinister and inhuman phenomenon, European countries are opening the doors of their parliaments to terrorists, the United States is bargaining with other countries to accommodate them, and the western media is giving the terrorists justification and They even give a platform to defend their criminal actions, Europe and America give them permission to create offices and administrative organizations; American and European politicians participate in their meetings and gatherings for receiving money; Westerners bring their agents into international human rights mechanisms to whitewash them, and judicial systems in Western countries refuse to accept the responsibility of trying them; In one sentence, Western countries spread the red carpet to shelter these eternal refugees and give them immunity to exploit them for mercenary work at the appropriate time.

Despite all these efforts, people all over the world know very well that European countries, Canada and the United States are the landlords of displaced terrorists who hire them as contract killers; At the same time, the issue has become so obvious that officials and experts of various European countries have acknowledged and admitted that their countries have become safe havens for terrorists and express concern about the future of this process.

In contrast to this trend, the countries where the Westerners use their terrorist mercenaries to harm them pay a heavy price for fighting terrorism; They have to fight terrorists within their borders and within their territory or even beyond, which are equipped with European and American dollars and purified with hired media from the West.

Treason and crime are the main tasks assigned to anti-Iranian terrorists by Western countries who claim to fight terrorism and strive to achieve human rights. From massacring citizens to separatism, from espionage to rioting, these are the duties defined by the West for anti-Iranian terrorists who have taken refuge in Western countries.

As one of the biggest victims of the sinister phenomenon of terror in the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always tried with serious determination to fight against terrorists over the past four decades. This struggle has wide dimensions in different ways.

Iran’s continuous and serious fight against terrorism is not limited to the borders of the country and has even found a regional dimension; In addition, Iran has put the fight against all kinds of terrorism on the agenda, because its enemies use all kinds of terrorism against it.

The fight against economic, cyber, and medical terrorism is ongoing from Iran in the domestic and international arenas with various foreign and judicial policy tools, and the cooperation between related institutions has led to positive results.

One of the most important obstacles and barriers facing Iran’s fight against terrorism are the Western countries, including the Europeans and the United States, who in the past decades have practically turned into a haven for anti-Iranian terrorists, from the hypocrites to the Ahwaziyya, by violating their alleged principles and principles of human rights and anti-terrorism; They are trying to use them for the purpose of enmity and enmity with Iran by providing the opportunity for these terrorists to continue to survive.

Unaware that Iran is advancing its fight against terrorism in various arenas and fields and is trying effective, legal and legitimate methods to reveal their identity and nature and to destroy and liquidate them; Putting terrorists and their supporters on trial is one of these methods.

There is no doubt that currently Iran has become a model for fighting terrorism for various countries in the world and of course in the region.


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