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It Is Easier for the Terrorists to Take Refugee

Professor of University of Paris:

It Is Easier for the Terrorists to Take Refugee

The side-event of Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism on “Violence, Extremism, and Terrorism” was held during 30thsession of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations Office at Geneva on 18th of September. Dr. Pierre Conesa made a speech about “Political Asylum in Europe: A Legal Incoherence”.

First he defined a refugee as “Anyone owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.

Vice-president of French Association of Victims of Terrorism pointed out the rules of residence for foreigners and the rights of the refugees in France and provided some examples of political asylum. The first example was Abu Qatada, a famous racist preacher of Londonistan, condemned by the Jordanian court of state security twice, in 1998 and 2000, to 15 years, for different terrorist activities. He “got political refugee status in Britain in 1994 claiming persecution for religious reasons. Abu Qatada was arrested by British police after the London bombings in 2005 and finally was deported to Jordan in 2013.And the second example pointed out by Dr. Conesa, was Abu Hamza, another personality of Londonistan, also a political refugee in Britain, famous for blessing the terrorists of September 11 attacks. The British government transferred to US custody a few hours after the rejection of his final appeal to the High Court of London, ending a judicial marathon that lasted eight years. But, the third example , Said Arif, the Algerian terrorist. Certainly, he cost cheaper to France. He was sentenced by a French court in 2007 for acts of terrorism perpetrated on French soil in 2002 with the attack against the Christmas market in Strasbourg. Then he was released from prison in December 2011 with an obligation to leave French territory.

The fourth example addressed by the vice-president of French Association of Victims of Terrorism was the issue of Mudjahidine Khalq organization,(MKO) and their status of Political refugees in France. He said that this terrorist group is a party which has organized a lot of terrorist attacks in Iran during the war and got this status because of difficult relationship between France and Iran. He concluded that “once granted the status, then freedom is given to these people to deliver the most hateful and racist speech ever. Instead of being deported to their countries, they have been granted political asylum. So, it must be concluded that in terms of asylum, it pays better to be terrorist pretending to fight against an Arab dictatorship a whistleblower”, he said.


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