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Necessity of the attendance of the Iranian families of the victims of terrorism in the court of members of Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz terrorist group



The Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism as the representative of the victims of terrorism called on Attorney Generals of Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands to prosecute and bring to justice all the accomplices of Habib Farajollah Chaab (Asyud) in respective countries and pave the way for the affected families to participate in the litigation process in the courts and other related courts in the future.

In the first part of the letter, we read the statement of the representative of the prosecutor of Tehran, “His accomplices who are involved in crimes against the Iranian people reside in the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. Since 2005, this group has killed and injured 274 Iranians in Khuzestan by bombing and armed robbery, and has inflicted a lot of damage on facilities and public places. The PJAK and Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist groups have also cooperated in these crimes.”

Then the remarks of the Danish intelligence official and Attorney General is quoted, “it had arrested three senior members of the ASMLA terrorist group. The suspects have been spying on people and companies since 2012 and sending the information to the Saudi intelligence service, said Finn Borch Andersen, head of the Danish intelligence service. Also in 2018, the Dutch Attorney General’s Office arrested another member of the group on suspicion of attempting to carry out a terrorist attack in Iran.”

In another part of the letter it is said that On 4 February 2022, a court in Roskilde, Denmark, announced that three arrested members of the terrorist group had been convicted of espionage, financing and promoting terrorism in Iran, and that their trial would continue until March.

The letter explains that “The philosophy of the trial and the ultimate value of the courts are realized in the degree of access to the element of justice and the clarification of the truth. Not hearing the voices of the victims of the crime of the terrorist group ASMLA in Iran, as a prosecutor, will have very negative effects on human rights and global security issues. Survivors of terrorist catastrophes are an important and integral part of cases related to terrorist issues and must be involved in the litigation process.”

At the end of the letter, the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism calls on Attorney Generals of Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands “To prosecute and try all the accomplices of Habib Farajollah Chaab (Asyud) in Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands and pave the way for the affected families to participate in the litigation process in the courts and other related courts in the future. Such participation is an indication of the will of the judiciaries in providing justice for the victims and an effective element in holding human rights, which has a preventive role in recurrence of the terrorist disasters in the world.”

The letter was sent to Foreign Minister and Attorney General of I. R. Iran, Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Ms. Ghada Waly, Director of UN Office on Drugs and Crimes.


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