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Exhibition “Who is Ali Motamed?” was Held in the City of Yazd



Association for the Defense of Victims of Terrorism – Exhibition “Who is Ali Motamed?” was held at Paknejad Martyrs Culture House in Yazd.

“Who is Ali Motamed exhibition?” exhibition is a story about the disappearance of the terrorist of the Hafte Tir bombing, Ali Motamed, in under the guise of of asylum in the Netherlands. Mohammadreza Kolahi Samadi, the perpetrator of the Hafte Tir bombing, has lived in the Netherlands for years under the fake name of Ali Motamed, and the Dutch government’s action in granting asylum to this terrorist criminal is a clear violation of international and asylum laws.

At the closing ceremony of this exhibition, one of the family members of the martyrs, on behalf of the survivors of the Hafte Tir tragedy, read a statement entitled “The first case of terrorism in the context of asylum”.

In a part of this statement, it is stated that today is the 41st anniversary of the anti-human disaster that the hegemonic powers committed a huge crime with the tool of terrorism on 28 June 1981 and with a terrible explosion against the elites of Iran, which is still the biggest terrorist crime. It has been recorded in the history of the Iranian nation. The dead and injured of this crime were mostly elites and scientific figures and enthusiasts of serving the country, who had no other goal than to solve the problems of the Iranian people.

In the following statement, we read, after a month on 29 July 1981, the hijacked Iranian military plane landed at the Paris airport and the main individuals responsible for this crime against humanity were welcomed by the media of this country. And this is how terrorism abused asylum against the Iranian people and it was the beginning of terrorism to benefit from the asylum context in other countries of Europe, America and Asia, which continues until now.

In another part of the statement, it is stated that in the beginning of 2017, the Dutch media, quoted from the authorities of the judiciary that the murdered Iranian named Ali Motamed, who lived as a refugee in the Netherlands, was Mohammad Reza Kolahi Samadi, the perpetrator of the terrorist explosion in 1981.

In statement, we read the statements of officials, professors, personalities and the strict laws of the European Union in verifying the identity of asylum seekers and not informing the respective country after granting asylum according to the consular criteria and Mohammadreza Kolahi being on the wanted list of Interpol and other reasons make legal accountability of the Dutch government very heavy in knowing the real identity of the terrorist criminal Ali Motamed.


At the end of the statement, the Dutch government is called on to provide compensatory measures for the violation of the rights of the victims of the Hafte Tir bombing in order to access the justice of the victims of terrorism and clarify the truth in the case of the murder of Ali Motamed (Mohammedreza Kolahi – the perpetrator of the Hafte Tir terrorist).

Photo exhibition “Who is Ali Motamed?” started on the 28 June 2022 with the presence of Yazd city and provincial officials and the families of the martyrs of terrorism at the cultural house of martyrs Dr. Seyed Reza and Seyyed Mohammad Pakanjaad and ended on 30 June.

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