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Italian President statement on Day of remembrance for victims of terrorism


Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – Italian president issued a message on the occasion of Day of remembrance for victims of terrorism  in this country.

He said, On 9 May 45 years ago, fifty-five days after his kidnapping and the Via Fani massacre, the Red Brigades killed Aldo Moro. Terrorism had reached its peak of aggression against the State, striking a blow to the heart of democratic institutions and writing one of the darkest pages in the history of our Republic. Moro’s barbaric assassination deeply hurt the nation and tore its social fabric, but the Italian people reacted by showing unity and cohesion.

Without that unity and cohesion, the State would not have had the necessary strength to fight and defeat terrorism and subversion.

Today, Italy marks its Day of remembrance for the victims of domestic and international terrorism and related massacres, and extends sympathy to the relatives and loved ones of each of them.

The commitment not to forget what happened must never fade, and it is the precise duty of the institutions to also continue along the path of truth in order to shine a light on those pages, which unfortunately still remain obscure, waiting to be known in full.

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