Belgian MP to Zionist Ambassador: You have been colonizing Palestine for 76 years
Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism - Nabil Boukili, a Belgian MP, addressed the Israeli ambassador, who was present in the Belgian parliament, describing the Zionist regime as a criminal regime.

Nabil Boukili, a Belgian MP, addressed the Israeli ambassador to this country, saying, Madam Ambassador, I heard you talking, how dare you come here and defend what your colonial army is committing against the Palestinians and the Lebanese? How dare you come here to justify war crimes and crimes against humanity?
He continued, Madam Ambassador, where is your humanity that you want to justify these atrocities? Have you seen these images? This happened in the Jabalia camp. This young man is not a terrorist, he burned alive there because your army bombed a refugee camp. This is also a picture of a hospital bombing. The hospital, the victims of this incident were civilians. The number of children killed by your army during this period is equal to the number of deaths in all conflicts around the world in the last four years. Have you come here to justify these events?
The representative of the Belgian Parliament said in another part of his speech, when you shoot children, when you kill women and children, are these the ones who cause terror and terror in your society? You call them terrorists and fight them. When you bomb the Lebanese with phosphorus bombs, the use of which is prohibited by international law, is this your work to fight terrorism? When the soldiers you describe as the most moral army in the world, wearing the clothes of the dead women, publish entertaining videos on TikTok and proudly show off their war trophies, trophies that they themselves admit were obtained from the killing of women and children, is this the most moral army in the world?
Nabil Bukili stated in another part of his speech, I do not involve myself with you in disrespecting the level of literacy and these trivial discussions, but yes, I support the Palestinians in this war, I take the side of the oppressed, the fact that I raised the Palestinian flag in this committee has offended you, I will do it again, these people have rights, they have the right to life, independence and dignity, you are fighting against them.
He continued, “You are engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide, while you yourself are the most terrorist army in the region. You are the real terrorists. You have been colonizing Palestine for 76 years. 76 years ago, when October 7th did not happen, you violated all UN laws. You do not respect international laws. You have become a rogue state. Even at the UN General Assembly, other countries walk out of the hall when your prime minister speaks. A prime minister who leads a far-right cabinet. Other countries left the hall because you are a rogue state. Despite all this, you still dare to come here and justify these actions with your lies?! How can you justify the unjustifiable? How can you justify genocide and war crimes? Your presence here is unjustifiable and illogical. This is unacceptable.”