Mass grave of Anfal victims discovered in southern Iraq
Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism - Iraqi media reported the discovery of a mass grave in a desert in southern Iraq and the determination of the fate of dozens of Kurdish women and children killed by Saddam's regime in the framework of the Anfal operation.

The Director General of the Mass Graves Department at the Iraqi Martyrs’ Institute, Zia Karim, confirmed today the discovery of a mass grave in the Tal al-Sheikha area in al-Muthanna province and announced the excavation operation.
He stated that the number of victims buried in this mass grave reaches 172 people of different ages, and most of them are women and children, all of whom are wearing Kurdish clothing. According to initial investigations, the discovered bodies belong to dozens of Kurdish women, children, and even pregnant and elderly women who were brutally murdered during the Baath regime’s Anfal crimes. Investigations show that the victims of this horrific crime were buried alive in 1988 during the Anfal operation.
After the presence of the terrorist group of the MKO in Iraq and cooperation with the enemy who invaded the territorial territory of Iran, the leaders of this terrorist group had extensive cooperation with the Iraqi Baath regime. Among these cooperations was participation in the crimes of the Baath regime against the Iraqi Kurds. It is known that Manreem Rajavi had ordered the MKO terrorists to drive tanks over the bodies of the victims and not to spend their ammunition!. It was with this mercenary method that they saved the Iraqi Baath regime from collapse and became a terrorist pawn against the Iranian nation, at the disposal of this criminal regime.