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Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – here is the full text of ADVTNGO statement in the “Voice of Butterflies” seminar.

Father didn’t come


Parents to children in the family are the same as roots to flowers in a garden. There is a great interest between the two, parents and children, in every sense of the word, maternal or paternal. So we see the intensity of this affection in a natural innate passion.

Such a situation is evident in childhood and even before it, and the best description for this emotional connection is to say that the parents are the whole world of children. Every suffering and plague imposed on each of them would be a double suffering for children.

Moreover, experts and specialists in the field of children have recognized this unique relationship between children and parents and have written many works about it. They also use it in educational planning and the historical course has confirmed its impact. Also its aspects are increasing day by day.

There are two narratives in describing children affected by terrorism. One of them is that the parents have seen their child has been killed and the other narrative is that a child has lost his parents in a tragedy. Although both of them are painful, there will be much greater emotional damages for a child whose parents have lost their lived in catastrophes. It is an endless pain that children will have to tolerate for the rest of their lives.

At the dawn of the last days of the August 1982, a father on his way to a carpentry workplace in Tehran Bazaar encountered terrorists who wanted his motorbike. But, when the father refused, the terrorists resort to force and viciously shoot him. He was martyred and his motorcycle was stolen.

One month after this tragedy, at the beginning of the school year, I went to school. One day, in the Persian class my teacher read this sentence “father come”. After hearing this sentence, I remembered my grief due to losing my father. It was so severe that I wanted to shout that it was wrong.

Father did not come, he has not come for several months, but an inner inspiration stopped him and told me not to be disappointed and father will come. And I’m still waiting, but alas, despite the passage of many years and becoming older, I must say with nostalgia that father did not come.

This tragedy is an example of the hundreds of crimes committed by the Hypocrites (MEK terrorist group) against Iranian children whose father lost their lives and did not come home for not giving their motorbikes to the terrorists while they were not guilty.

Today, despite passing decades, the sound of breaking the small hearts of these children has not been heard yet, even in our country and city.

On behalf of all the children who have lost their fathers due to the demand for motorbikes by the terrorists, I call on the domestic and international authorities to prosecute this brutal act as a crime against humanity and to hold its designers and perpetrators accountable and prosecute them; who live in European countries as refugees.


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