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Why Australia Should Quit  Military Links With Serial War Criminal America

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – Gideon Polya wanted from Australian to quit military links with America.

Australian writer said in an article that, Australia became a fervent ally of the US after the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in 1942. Australia was thence involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities  associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and imposed deprivation. Now, as a US lackey Australia absurdly and dangerously beats the drums of war against a peaceful and non-expansionist China, it is time for urgent re-assessment. Australia should quit the Asian-killing and indeed Australian-killing US Alliance.

Through a combination of stupidity, fear, neoliberal greed and ignorance (the mendacious Australian Mainstream media are substantially owned by the US Murdoch empire, and the rest are also cravenly US-beholden), Australians overwhelmingly support the serial war criminal US Alliance.

In the other section of article we read, there are cogent arguments why Australia should quit its AUKUS alliance with nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist and serial war criminal America and the UK. War typically violates International law, and is the penultimate in repugnant racism, with genocide being the ultimate in racism and the US is a horrendous serial invader of other countries. America is lying and violates, subverts, dirties and acutely threatens Australia. Also, Australia was in all post-1950 US Asian wars and Australia has involvement in US-effected coups.  US and UK lackeys Australians have been involved in the  covert removal of 8 governments, namely Laos (1960), Indonesia (1965), Cambodia (1970), Chile (1973), Australia (1975), Australia (2010), and Fiji (1987, 2000) (the latter 3 coups also involving Apartheid Israel).

Polya continued, the US Murdoch media empire dominates Australia. About 70% of Australia’s daily newspaper readership has been captured by the pro-war, anti-science, mendacious and racist.

Furthermore,  America spies on, subverts, deceives and betrays Australia. But Australia is complicit in horrendous UK and US war crimes, notably in Iraq and Afghanistan. Australia has been rocked by the release of a heavily redacted report about the killing of 39 unarmed Afghan civilians or prisoners by some 25 elite

At the end of article, Polya wrote some quotes from australian leading foreign policy commentators and experts, for quitting from US Alliance and the AUKUS Alliance.

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