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French geopolitical analyst: Israel is committing war crimes and may move to genocide… and Hamas has won morally and politically



Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism – French thinker and geopolitical analyst Pascal Boniface believes that Israel is in the stage of committing war crimes, and may move to a war of extermination against the Palestinians. He considered that the Hamas movement has won politically and morally.

In an interview this weekend with Radio Sud, which is broadcast on YouTube, and with the participation of senior French media professionals who present alternative media, Boniface ruled out Israel’s elimination of the Hamas movement. Because “the reality must be acknowledged. The Palestinians consider Hamas a resistance movement against Israel, at a time when the image of the Palestinian Authority has declined, and the majority of Palestinians believe that the Authority is cooperating with Israel and working to ensure Israel’s security.”

He refused to describe the Palestinian victims who fall as a result of Israeli bombing as “collateral damage,” as the West promotes to camouflage and hide the truth, and stressed that the matter is related to “war crimes.”

He warned that the situation may move from war crimes to the crime of genocide if “the death toll continues to rise, and if Israel continues to prevent aid from reaching the Palestinians.” He called for taking into account not only those who die under bombing, but also the wounded who die later, due to the absence of aid and the spread of epidemics.

In addition to Boniface’s statement, experts believe that Israel is also committing crimes against humanity in addition to war crimes. Because it carries out forced displacement of Palestinians, as is the case with displacement from the north of the Gaza Strip to its south.

In response to the question of veteran journalist Jean-Jacques Bourdin, who conducted this interview, and asked: “Can Hamas be considered to have won morally in this war?” Boniface’s response was that “Hamas achieved a political victory over Israel more than a moral one… Yes, if we take into account Considering that the West is part of this world, Hamas won morally because the rest of the world sees it as a movement of resistance and liberation.”

He believes that the only American president who exerted pressure on Israel was George H. W. Bush, stressing that real pressure from current President Joe Biden will be effective when he threatens Israel to stop arms exports. He sees the change that the American Democratic Party is witnessing with the arrival of a new generation of young politicians who stand in solidarity with the Palestinians as very important, while older Democrats sympathize with Israel.

Pascal Boniface runs the Institute of International Studies (IRIS), and is considered one of the realistic voices in the field of geopolitical studies to provide a logical analysis of events, which has drawn criticism from the official media to the level of accusing him of anti-Semitism, and the French judiciary had acquitted him of this charge last October.


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