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Statement of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism condemning the terrorist act in Moscow

According to the public relations report of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism, this association published a statement condemning the terrorist act in Moscow, Russia.


The text of this statement is as follows:

The terrorist attack on Friday, 22 March 2024, left 137 dead and more than 154 injured. Russian authorities have announced that they have arrested eleven people in this connection, most of whom are non-Russian nationals affiliated with the ISIS terrorist group.

ISIS or any other terrorist group involved in this action does not make a difference in the fact that terrorism has no boundaries and killing innocent people to achieve political and financial goals has become a normal thing for terrorists. The confessions published by the perpetrators of this incident confirm this and show that these people killed civilians only to receive financial sums.

It has become clear that terrorism in today’s world is only a tool for the perpetrators of these barbaric actions to achieve their political and economic goals. As a result, by exposing the hands behind the scenes of these actions, a fundamental step is taken in the implementation of justice for these crimes.

The Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism by condemning this incident, and expressing sympathy with the families of the victims and survivors of this incident, and by honoring the memory of the victims of terror in the city of Moscow and other places in the world, and wishing for the speedy recovery of the injured, from all human rights activists in The world wants to condemn terrorism in any form and manner and by trying to expose the behind the scenes of these crimes against humanity, to provide the ground for dismantling these human actions from human societies.

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