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The 8th conference of “Examples of Patience”

Supporting human rights and victims of terrorism is meaningless without trying to stop the crimes in Gaza


According to the public relations report of the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism, on the seventh anniversary of the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute of the Victims of Terrorism, the 8th “Examples of Patience” Conference was organized by the Association for the Defending Victims of Terrorism and with the cooperation of the Martyrs and Veterans Foundation, with the presence of diplomatic officials, the families of victims, university professors and human rights activists and was held on August 31.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Mansoura Karami, the chairman of the board of directors of the Association for the Defending Victims of Terrorism, welcomed the officials and families present at the conference and said, “We have gathered here to honor this day and honor the families of the martyrs.” Let’s act. He continued.

Mansoura Karami, wife of Martyr Alimohammadi, further said, by honoring these families, we help so that the stories of these families are well heard and we can move towards their goal, which is peace. Because when a great tragedy like an assassination happens to a family, by telling its story, others also get to know their situation.

Martyr Alimohammadi’s wife said in another part of her speech, “Unfortunately, we have seen that in a case like the Zionist regime’s terrorist actions in Gaza, some governments have not only remained silent, but have provided facilities to Israel.” While the people of the world are against these measures.

In the end, he said, the conference of “Examples of patience” is an opportunity for the voices of the families of terror victims to be heard and we are trying to create peace in the world.

In another part of the meeting, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that God has given you more patience and may you be successful in your journey to bring the voice of the victims to the ears of the world.

He continued, true peace will be achieved in the shadow of justice and the implementation of justice against criminals and criminals.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued his speech and said that this year we are celebrating this day in a situation where the world’s biggest state terrorist, the fake and child-killing Zionist regime, with the full and unlimited support of some governments that claim human rights, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, is committing the most heinous crimes. And the most heinous bloodshed in the holy land of all heavenly religions, dear Palestine.

He continued, talking about respecting the victims of terrorism in a situation where every hour four Palestinian children are martyred by the cruel army and terrorism of the Israeli regime and every day about forty Palestinian children lose their mothers in the terrorist attacks of these people. It is nothing more than an empty slogan. Especially since international institutions and western governments have closed their eyes on this unprecedented crime against humanity and have refrained from taking the smallest action to end this 80-year-old crime.

Nasser Kanani continued his speech and said that the terrorists who brutally martyred thousands of Iranian people in the 1960s are now living under the support of the same governments in America and Europe.

He went on to say that one should ask who really created ISIS and brought them and other dangerous terrorist groups to the lives of nations, especially Islamic nations and countries? Who supplies the lethal weapons of the terrorist regime of Israel and its prohibited bombs? Who provides the financial resources and weapons of dangerous terrorist groups?

The head of the Public Diplomacy Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said at the end of his speech that there is no doubt that the government, the judicial system and the diplomatic system of the Islamic Republic of Iran are on the way to the realization of the rights of the Iranian people in fulfilling the rights of the victims of terror and their dear and suffering families and in the execution of justice against terrorists. and their supporters, will use all political, legal, and judicial capacities at the national and international levels.

In the continuation of the meeting, Rahim Narimani, manager in Martyrs and Veterans Foundation, said that peace is a sacred word in the international arena. Of course, words like peace and terrorism have different meanings in the international arena, and the domination system abuses this situation to achieve its goals. He continued, under the pretext of modern world civilization, we are witnessing the dismemberment of children in Gaza and at the same time the vetoing of peace resolutions in the Security Council.

In another part of his speech, Narimani said, on the one hand, American planes deliver food to the people of Gaza, and on the other hand, multi-ton bombs are dropped on the people of Gaza, and this is an example of state terrorism.

In another part of his speech, he said, unfortunately, the lack of a precise definition of terrorism has led to global problems and we must have a law on the issue of terrorism. It is in this case that hostile countries cannot abuse this situation.

He continued, one of the consequences of terrorism is that elites destroy nations and change the fate of people and the country. In the past years, Iran’s elites have been martyred as a result of assassinations, and we must follow up on this case in international arenas based on international conventions.

In another part of the conference, Joseph Wronka, a professor at Springfield University, America, expressed his opinions. He said,

Unfortunately, in today’s world, governments can engage in the unlimited killing of innocents and kill innocent people with a higher volume than terrorist groups, but no one considers them as terrorist groups. He continued, even now America supports the actions of the Zionist regime in Gaza, actions that have led to the killing of more than 40 thousand innocent people.

Joseph Wronka went on to say that in order to confront America, we must first accept that no government is superior to another government and fight against hypocrisy and hypocrisy regarding human rights. He continued, for example, in the national anthem of America and France, there are aspects of violence that must be eliminated and we must create other ways to socialize people with the aim of loving each other and peaceful coexistence.

In another part of his speech, Joseph Wronka said, we must keep in mind that paying attention to human rights, that is, the principles contained in the UN Charter and the UN Universal Declaration, can prevent terrorist trends.

In the end, this human rights activist and Springfield University professor said, in my opinion, the lack of meeting human needs is one of the main causes of violence in the world.

In the continuation of the conference, Haibatullah Najandi Manesh, a professor at Allameh Tabatabai University, said about the opportunities to support the victims of terror from the perspective of international law, we must be honest and together to defend the victims of terrorism. He continued that terrorist acts are carried out with the support and guidance of governments. In the past, it was in the form of blind explosions, but now we see that it is taking place in the form of sanctions. This situation is to create terror in the society and as a result, sanctions can be considered as terrorist actions.

The professor of Allameh Tabatabai University further said that the biggest terrorist trend in the world today is the United States of America. Because no terrorist act takes place in the world, unless there is a powerful government behind it. And now we see that the biggest terrorist organizations are now present in Europe and the United States of America.

In another part of his speech, Najandi Manesh said, we must have a radical look at terrorism and eliminate the favorable conditions for the spread of terrorism. Everyone knows what the roots of terrorism are, but they pay less attention to it because their interest lies in not solving them.

The Professor of International Law of Allameh Tabatabai University had some suggestions regarding the victims of terrorism. He said, we should invite the UN Special Rapporteur on the fight against terrorism to visit Iran. And we must do this purposefully. He continued, the national law for meeting the needs of victims of terrorism should be approved and the specialized national center for the support of victims of terrorism should be established, which includes experts on the subject.

In another part of the conference, Rahim Nasab, Director General of the Council of Ministers’ Advisors on Martyrs’ Affairs, said that by holding such conferences and by honoring the memory of the martyrs, we are taking action to preserve all human virtues, and according to the authority Supreme Leader, observing the memory of the martyrs is no less than martyrdom.

In the continuation of the conference, Gharibi, the former ambassador of Iran in Brazil, said that we honor the memory of the martyrs of terror and the martyrs of countering terror. When we talk about fighting terrorism, it means that we fight against all aspects of terrorism. He continued, no one can deal with terrorism better than the victims of terrorism, because there is no stronger effect than the mobilization of victims of terrorism against terrorism.

In this conference, in addition to the video prepared by the Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism on the occasion of the International Day of Victims of Terrorism, the message of the Secretary General of the United Nations was broadcast on the occasion of this day. In part of this message, it is said that today we honor the memory of the victims and survivors of terrorism. Terrorist acts have created an unimaginable wave of grief and have left wounds that will never heal.

Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, continued his message and said, on the other hand, we are witnessing exemplary cases of resilience and tolerance in human society. The main theme of this year’s commemoration is “Voices for Peace: Victims of Terrorism as Advocates and Educators of Peace”. Because expressing your pain to others is a brave act.

At the end of the message, it is stated that together we can publish the voices of all the victims and survivors of terrorism and create a resilient and peaceful world for all people.

At the end of the 8th conference of “Examples of Patience”, the families of martyrs and terror veterans were honored.


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