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Zionist state terrorism does not seek to establish peace

Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism board of editors - One of the controversial issues regarding the definition of terrorism is the lack of a proper measure of state terrorism. Often, terrorism is attributed to small groups that sacrifice innocent and uninformed people for various political, economic, ideological and historical reasons. According to common definitions of terrorism, these groups carry out violent and destructive actions to achieve their goals and by taking responsibility for their actions, they put pressure on governments to accept their demands. In this way, the most minimal definition of terrorism is as follows: using terror to achieve one's desires.



With a brief look at this definition of terrorism, which is accepted by many parties in the world, state terrorism can be used to analyze the behavior of rogue states such as the Zionist regime. Based on this, the Zionist regime, which sees itself as beyond international laws, by attacking civilians and killing them, puts pressure on governments and international organizations to achieve its goals.

The crime of attacking Tabeen school in Gaza and killing dozens of innocent people, most of whom were women, elderly and children, is a clear example of this state terrorism of the Zionist regime. This regime, which is stuck in the swamp of its actions; Despite international pressure to stop the war in Gaza, it continues to attack civilians.

South Africa’s complaint against the Zionist regime in the International Court of Justice, numerous statements by international organizations condemning the criminal actions of the Zionist regime, the embargo on goods produced in the occupied Palestinian territories, and the successive demonstrations with the mass of the world’s people, have so far failed to deter this criminal regime from its actions. It stops itself.

War crimes, forced displacement, destruction of civilian places such as mosques, hospitals, and schools, changes in the population structure of the occupied territories, illegal settlements, and illegal treatment of Palestinian prisoners, are only some of the criminal titles used to define and analyze the behavior of the Zionist regime in recent months. It has been in Gaza.

These crimes continue. The attack on Taba’in school in Gaza was carried out with three one-ton bombs. More than one hundred and twenty five civilians were martyred in this attack. This attack occurred at the time of the morning call to prayer local time in Gaza and shows the height of cruelty and cruelty of the Zionist regime. In the past months, Al-Shafa Hospital was also attacked under the pretext of finding Hamas forces. During the attack on al-Shafa Hospital and its nearby areas, which was accompanied by a two-week complete siege, more than 1,500 people were killed, wounded or missing, half of whom were women and children. The discovery of mass graves in the area of ​​this hospital is another sign of the depth of the previous crimes of the Zionist regime. In another attack that was carried out under the pretext of assassinating Mohammad al-Dzaif, the Zionist regime killed more than 70 people by attacking al-Mawasi region using several one-ton bombs. On the other hand, Betsalel Smotrich, minister of the Zionist regime, announced that until the release of the prisoners of this regime, the killing of two million people of Gaza is moral and justifiable. Such statements had such a reflection in the world that this minister of the Zionist regime retreated from his positions.

It is very clear that these attacks on civilian areas and attempts to kill civilians cannot be considered as collateral casualties of military actions and an exceptional matter. Collateral casualties in a military operation occur when a military objective is intended. Hospitals, schools, or religious places have never been legitimate military targets.

The Zionist regime attacks civilian places with false pretexts and has failed to prove its claims in all cases. Still, viewing the pictures published by the Zionists of al-Shafa hospital clearly shows that the claims of this regime about the military use of this hospital by the Palestinian resistance forces are baseless lies.

The main weakness of the Zionist regime is its failure to achieve its inhumane goals since the beginning of the war. Since the beginning of the new round of crimes, this regime announced that it seeks to eliminate Hamas or the Palestinian resistance forces in Gaza. This regime has not yet reached its goal. Also, the Zionist regime announced that it seeks to create a safe space for itself. This regime has not achieved this goal either. And finally, another desire of this regime is to move the people of Gaza from this densely populated strip, which has failed to achieve this goal so far.

Now, the Zionist regime is left with thousands of civilian casualties and lost reputation at the international level and goals that are more out of reach than ever before. Now the Zionist regime has no choice but to remove the mask from its face and show its true nature to the world. This regime is a terrorist regime and its actions are state terrorism according to the so-called international law.

As a result, regardless of the legal approach, these behaviors of the Zionist regime can be analyzed as state terrorism with a political approach. With this new approach, it can be said that this regime, which is based on war and killing, seeks to impose its will on governments and regional actors by massacring Palestinians. This regime tries to force the decision-making leaders who oppose the existence of this regime in the region to take decisions against their interests by causing maximum damage to civilians.

This is why the Zionist regime still attacks a school in Gaza despite the trilateral statement of the US, Qatar and Egypt that a peace agreement is available between the parties to the conflict, to tell the world that it is not looking for peace.

Basically, terrorists are not looking for peace. They seek to achieve their goals by creating terror. They know very well that they are in the minority and that they are not able to advance their goals through the usual methods. For this reason, they resort to terrorizing. By killing innocent people, terrorists put the decision-makers in an intellectual and calculating predicament, to make decisions against their interests. Even now, the Zionist regime is in this situation. The Zionist regime has returned to its terrorist approach and its original nature. A terrorist regime. A regime that seeks to impose its illegitimate will on other actors by killing civilians.

But this method has an irreparable flaw. Just as terrorist acts are not reliable in the long term and gradually and with the awareness of the public opinion of the hands behind the curtain, terrorist groups lose their credibility among the public, the Zionist regime cannot continue this path either. This regime will soon face a lot of international criticism. Criticism of crimes against humanity in Gaza. As a result, this belligerent regime will be forced to surrender to peace. A peace that does not want. And at that time, Zionist state terrorism in the region will come to an end.


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